Nervousness occurs when the nervous system reacts disproportionately to what would be considered a normal stimulus and puts the person in the state of apprehension, anxiety, worry and hesitancy. 

It affects how we feel, behave and can cause physical symptoms including sweating without physical exertion. Nervousness by itself may not be considered a serious problem until it becomes overwhelming, never seems to go away, impacts personal life and/or is accompanied by severe physical symptoms.

Often times, stress is the cause of nervousness. However, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, energy drinks and other stimulant beverages also cause nervousness and imbalance in the nervous system. In order to prevent or deal with nervousness, it is important avoid alcohol, tobacco, white sugar, energy drinks and other stimulant beverages and consume foods such as oats, avocado, cashew, apricot, lettuce and passion fruits.

In addition to these, other healthy habits like exercise, having enough sleep, and eating breakfast can prevent nervousness.  

                 The HEART of life is HEALTH


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