Alzhiemer’s disease is type of progressive dementia (loss of mental ability and memory) caused by the degeneration of brain cells. It begins with memory loss, followed by mental confusion, apathy and depression.

Its cause is unknown, although it has been proven that ingestion (intake) of high levels of aluminium favours its onset. Aluminium is toxic to the nerve cells, and higher levels of it are found in the brains of alzhiemer’s patients than in healthy population.

Diet plays a vital role in the prevention of alzheimer’s disease. Hence the need to increase the intake of green leafy vegetables and food rich in antioxidants, and Vitamin E. Green leafy vegetables for example, contain silicon; an element than hinders the absorption of aluminium in the small intestines. Alcoholic beverages and cured cheeses should be eliminated from our diet.

In addition to dietary advice, it is wise to avoid the following.
  1. The use of aluminium cooking utensils particularly when cooking acidic foods which can release even more aluminium
  2. The use of antacid medications containing aluminium
  3.  Drinking soft drinks in aluminium cans
  4. Tap water if it has high aluminium content 

                     The HEART of life is HEART


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