Angina pectoris is a condition of the heart which manifests itself through an intense, oppressive pain in the left side of the chest and radiates down the left arm. It usually occurs after some physical activity, intense emotions or a stressful situation.

It is a severe chest pain caused by ischemia of the heart muscle (lack of blood supply hence oxygen supply to the heart), obstruction or spasm of the coronary arteries (the heart's blood vessels) and atherosclerosis (narrowing and hardening of the coronary arteries). Angina is reversible and usually does not leave any permanent heart damage.

The diet we choose has a great influence on the condition and function of the heart’s blood vessels (coronary arteries). A diet that is poor in plant-based foods and rich in saturated fats and high salt, in addition to tobacco and lack of exercise puts a person at risk of atherosclerosis which causes angina. 
To improve the condition of the heart, you must increase intake of grapes, walnut, onion, whole grains, potato, strawberry, squash, cashew, mango and non-alcoholic wine.

Written by James Mckeown Amoah


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