
Showing posts from 2018


The word Anaemia which literally means “lack of blood” is defined as a decrease in Red Blood Cell (RBC) count in the blood. The function of the Red Blood Cell is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and remove carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. A decrease in Red Blood Cell count therefore impairs gaseous exchange in the body and leads to symptoms such as pale skin, dizziness, general weakness, headache, easy fatigue and loss of energy, shortness of breath, cold hands and feet, brittle nails, poor appetite, tingling sensation in the feet, insomnia and leg cramps. Anaemia is twice common in women than men. Diet plays an important role in the body’s ability to produce enough Red Blood Cells. Food supplies the body with essential nutrients such as iron, protein, and vitamin B required for blood cell production.   It is therefore important to increase intake of legumes, soy, fruits, green leafy vegetables, avocado, spinach, lemon, grape and red beet. Tea and alcoh

Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial Infarction is the irreversible death (necrosis) of the heart muscles caused by prolonged lack of oxygen supply to the heart (Ischemia).   This ischemia is usually caused by reduced blood flow in the heart blood vessels (Coronary artery) due to atherosclerosis or blocking of an artery by a blot clot or both. Approximately 1.5 million cases of myocardial infarction occur annually in the United States of America (Zafari, 2018). Patients with myocardial infarction experience severe chest pain that occurs suddenly and continues despite rest and medication. Other symptoms include fatigue, palpitation, shortness of breath, anxiety, malaise, nausea and vomiting. Risk factors include hypertension, diabetes, smoking, alcoholism, obesity, and lack of exercise Like all medical conditions, diet plays an important role in either preventing or encouraging it. Foods such as meat, saturated fat, sausages, ham, margarine, butter, fried foods, milk, alcoholic beverages, white sugar and


Angina pectoris is a condition of the heart which manifests itself through an intense, oppressive pain in the left side of the chest and radiates down the left arm. It usually occurs after some physical activity, intense emotions or a stressful situation. It is a severe chest pain caused by ischemia of the heart muscle (lack of blood supply hence oxygen supply to the heart), obstruction or spasm of the coronary arteries (the heart's blood vessels) and atherosclerosis (narrowing and hardening of the coronary arteries). Angina is reversible and usually does not leave any permanent heart damage. The diet we choose has a great influence on the condition and function of the heart’s blood vessels (coronary arteries). A diet that is poor in plant-based foods and rich in saturated fats and high salt, in addition to tobacco and lack of exercise puts a person at risk of atherosclerosis which causes angina.  To improve the condition of the heart, you must increase intake of grapes, walnu


Depression is a mood disorder characterized by a feeling of sadness, pessimism, hopelessness, discouragement, dejection (self-dislike) or despair. Depressed individuals often exhibit physical symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight loss, constipation, sleep disorder, aches and pains, menstrual disorder in females, loss of libido, fatigability and neglect of personal hygiene and appearance. Suicidal thoughts and self-destructive behaviors are common in severe stages. The actual causes of depression are not fully understood. However, a complex combination of genetics, biological changes, environmental, psychological and social factors can cause it. It can be treated even in severe stages using medication, psychotherapy or combination of the two. The earlier that treatment can begin, the more effective it is.   Generally speaking, people who are depressed tend to crave for refined sweets (pastries, candy, chocolate etc.) that have very little nutritional value. Some may also have a


Alzhiemer’s disease is type of progressive dementia (loss of mental ability and memory) caused by the degeneration of brain cells. It begins with memory loss, followed by mental confusion, apathy and depression. Its cause is unknown, although it has been proven that ingestion (intake) of high levels of aluminium favours its onset. Aluminium is toxic to the nerve cells, and higher levels of it are found in the brains of alzhiemer’s patients than in healthy population. Diet plays a vital role in the prevention of alzheimer’s disease. Hence the need to increase the intake of green leafy vegetables and food rich in antioxidants, and Vitamin E . Green leafy vegetables for example, contain silicon; an element than hinders the absorption of aluminium in the small intestines. Alcoholic beverages and cured cheeses should be eliminated from our diet. In addition to dietary advice, it is wise to avoid the following. The use of aluminium cooking utensils p


Nervousness occurs when the nervous system reacts disproportionately to what would be considered a normal stimulus and puts the person in the state of apprehension, anxiety, worry and hesitancy.  It affects how we feel, behave and can cause physical symptoms including sweating without physical exertion.  Nervousness by itself may not be considered a serious problem until it becomes overwhelming, never seems to go away, impacts personal life and/or is accompanied by severe physical symptoms. Often times, stress is the cause of nervousness. However, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, energy drinks and other stimulant beverages also cause nervousness and imbalance in the nervous system. In order to prevent or deal with nervousness, it is important avoid alcohol, tobacco, white sugar, energy drinks and other stimulant beverages and consume foods such as oats, avocado, cashew, apricot, lettuce and passion fruits . In addition to these, other healthy habits like exerci

INSOMNIA – Inability to sleep

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is known for its symptoms of unrest and inability to sleep. It affects millions of people worldwide and its effects can be devastating. Insomnia c ommonly leads to daytime sleepiness, lethargy, poor concentration, and a general feeling of unwell both mentally and physically. Mood swings, irritability, and  anxiety  are common symptoms of insomnia. Insomnia can be  caused  by psychiatric and medical conditions (eg. cough, arthritis, diarrhoea, depression, asthma, chronic pain etc.), unhealthy habits (eg. eating late, sleeping late, bright light, dehydration etc.) substances abuse (eg. alcohol, tobacco, narcotics etc.) and certain biological factors.  The type of food one eats influences his ability to sleep well as well.  To prevent insomnia, you must increase intake of Oats, Malt beverages, Honey, Carbohydrates and lettuce . You must also reduce or eliminate stimulant beverages, spices, chocolate, proteins, soft drin

Healthy Mind; food for the nervous system

The Nervous System which includes the Brain and Spinal Cord is an important system in the human body. It controls and co-ordinates all parts of the body and contains the higher human functions such as memory, perception and reasoning. It provides a complex communication system between the body’s internal and external environments as well as detects and responds to changes inside and outside the body. The system requires only glucose and oxygen to function. However, many other nutrients such as Vitamin B, Minerals and Unsaturated Fatty Acids are needed for higher function such as thoughts, memory and self-control. Lack of these nutrients produces nervousness, depression, anxiety, fatigue, irritability among others. Consumption of excess sugar and certain additives such as colouring on the other hand, affects the nervous system and alter behaviour. Foods such as Oat, Groundnut, Cashew, Lettuce, Almond, Avocado, Apricot, Banana and Grapes can supply these essential nutrients to the ner


Conjunctivitis also known as pinkeye is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (a thin clear tissue that lies over the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelids). Children get it more often than adults and it is highly contagious (can spread easily). It can be caused by a Virus, Bacteria, Irritants (such as dirt, smoke, and shampoos), Allergic reaction to substances such as drugs, and Sexually transmitted diseases like Gonorrhoea and chlamydia. Pregnant women with Gonorrhoea or chlamydia can pass pinkeye to their babies through the birth canal when delivering. Symptoms include redness of the eye, swollen conjunctiva, excessive tearing, thick yellow discharge that crust over the eye lashes especially after sleep, green or white discharges from the eye, itchy eyes, blurred vision, and increased sensitivity to the sun. Pinkeye is treatable hence the need to report to the hospital when you experience any of these symptoms. You can relieve the symptoms at home by washing your

Pressure in the Eye (Glaucoma)

Glaucoma is an eye disease that is associated with elevated intraocular pressure (pressure in the eyes) which damages the optic nerve of the eye and leads to loss of vision and even blindness. It is the second leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. Glaucoma does not give any symptoms in the early stages but can be diagnosed early by regular eye examinations. While there is no known ways of preventing glaucoma, blindness or significant vision loss from glaucoma can be prevented if the disease is recognised in the early stages. Risk factors for glaucoma include age over 45 years, family history of glaucoma, people from the black race (Africans), diabetes and hypertension. Although glaucoma is due to anatomical alterations in the eye, the type of diet we eat can influence the intraocular pressure (Improving or aggravating glaucoma). It is important to increase intake of food like mango, orange, sweet potatoes, squash, cereals, carrots, green beans, green leafy vegetables,

Lessons from Alphonso's report

I have read the report of Alphonso;  a final year MD student from Yale School of Medicine who did a 4 week clinical rotation at the department Obstetrics and Gynecology, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital on  Ghanaweb titled -   What I learned during my rotation in Ghana - Foreign medical student ( ) .  This report has been published widely in both local and international media houses as well as social media.  As a Ghanaian health worker, I agree and disagree to parts to her report.  I see some of her description of Ghana and her citizens as derogatory and insulting. Even though Ghana is a developing country, these descriptions do not in anyway portray the exact picture of Ghana. They are very unfortunate and are in bad taste.  "The first thing that I noticed when I stepped off of the plane was intense heat. We landed during a giant dust storm - part of the an

Ebony is not in Heaven!!!

The issue of death continues to be a mystery to many. Many people throughout world history have tried to explain this mystery but none has been able to answer all the questions associated with it. Science has not been able to explain, neither has philosophy been able to tell exactly what happens to a person when he dies.  The only book that contains all the answers related to death is the  Holy Bible.  The purpose of this message is to bring our minds back to the word of God and to reiterate the clear position of the Bible concerning the state of the dead. In Ghana and like other countries, the issue of death becomes a topic for discussion anytime a popular person dies. In such situations, we often hear lay people and even prominent Pastors make statements about the dead which are not Biblical. These statements go contrary to the explicit position of the Bible (The inspired word of God). The death of Ebony (a Ghanaian dance hall musician) who died in a motor accident on 8th February