
Showing posts from 2016

I have 2 periods in a month, WHY?

All females go through their menstrual cycle from puberty to menopause. Generally, women only experience one menstrual period a month, usually lasting between 3 and 7 days. If you have ever experienced two periods in one month, then you need to read this. It will be of immense help to you.  Causes of Having Two Periods in One Month Some of the possible explanations for having 2 periods in one month may include: 1. A Natural and Regular Menstrual Cycle A natural menstrual cycle can last anywhere between 21 to 25 days. This means that a woman can have her period every 3 weeks, meaning she would consistently experience two periods in one month, one at the beginning of a month and one at the end of it. This is entirely natural and requires no medical attention. 2. Puberty Two periods in one month is entirely normal for girls who are going through, or who have recently gone through puberty. It can take many months and even years for teenage girls' cycles to be

Love yourself.

Do you hate yourself? Do you hate the way you look? Kindly watch this documentary and you will thank God  the more. Jono Lancaster’s life story is enough to make the average person say I thought I had problems, but mine are nothing compared to this mans. Jono suffers with a rare condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome. The syndrome effects the person’s appearance, facial bones and tissue, sight, breathing and hearing. Jono was only 36 hours old, a new born infant, when he experienced the most heart breaking ultimate rejection, that of his parents abandoning him. During his life he has also been bullied, felt isolated, and has endured being stigmatized because of his appearance.

Diabetes situation in Ghana

Diabetes which is a disorder characterized by a persistent abnormal increase in blood glucose is killing many people in this world. According to the World Health Organization 422 million people in the world have diabetes. Out of this number 1.5 million of them die every year. This is very scary. Why should people continue to die from diabetes when the disease can be prevented. The diabetes situation in Ghana is no different from the worldwide situation. The picture below throws more light on the Ghanaian situation. To stay away from diabetes; Seek early treatment if you have been diagnosed of diabetes. Continue taking your medications. Never miss a day without taking the drug. If you have not been diagnosed of diabetes, all you need to do is to PREVENT it. Exercise your body. Control your weight because overweight and obesity can predispose you to getting diabetes. Avoid eating late in the night. Avoid alcohol and smoking Avoid eating late in the night. Drink more water.

A Herd of Swine?

They besought Him to leave their town For the sake of a herd of swine. His Word had driven demons out of two men, And they besought Him to leave their town. Was it because they feared His frown On their evil and their idol shrine Hidden inside, cherished as a friend That they besought Him to leave their town? What a privilege! Such a Man of Renown Visiting them, lending His time. The sick to heal, broken hearts to mend. And they besought Him to leave their town! Why choose swine when He promises a crown? Why unclean when salvation is mine? Why fear when for me He does fend? Why beseech Him to leave my town? I know not what holds your total surrender down. I know not your herd of swine. But to proclaim His salvation, you He does send. Beseech Him not to leave your town. What is your herd of swine? (Based on Matthew 8:28-34) Written by Akua Ameley

Mary of Magdala

You can't comprehend For you weren't there When I had no friend And shame was my share A mistake of a Jew Esteemed as a Gentile Lasciviousness I knew Every attempt to repent was futile Once dragged before the Rabbi Whose purity sharply contrasted my behaviour I shrunk, ready to die When He proved to be indeed my Saviour So as I stumbled through my tears I ignored all your prejudice For One so Holy has alleviated my fears And has remade me from the genesis With tears instead of water I washed His precious feet Not a towel, with my hair rather I wiped those priceless jewels dry And with that fragrant oil I got with all my worth I anointed Him, my All For His gift superseded my wealth My tears, my hair My oil on His feet Was the only praise I could afford For the grace He gave on His own accord (Based on John 8:3-11; Luke 7:37-38) Written by Akua Ameley

Global Association of Hypocrites

I wish they had a website. Although they don’t, I know your name (my dear reader) may have been on their membership list if they did. You may not have officially subscribed to it, but your mere actions granted you membership. Undoubtedly, some names may have been cancelled from their membership list (or maybe never existed on it). I don’t know which group you belong to; but, once you’ve started reading, I would entreat you to read to the end.  “This church is filled with a bunch of hypocrites!  I can’t believe he did that!” And then it becomes a topic for hot gossip until we have finished “him” in our minds and have run out of things to say. Subconsciously, as we met out judgement (which is God’s work) on the “sinner”, we feel increasingly righteous. We instantly forget how many clothes we coveted when we entered the church, how many people (in addition to this poor sinner) we gossiped about, the evil we thought about our closest friend, among many others. Yet, because the


When I think of Communists, I think of 100%. When I think of Terrorists, I think of 100%. But when I think of most Christians, I sadly think of LESS THAN 100%.  What is 100%, you may ask? It is 100% Total Surrender and Commitment to a cause, which in the Christian sense is God. September 11, 2001 is, and remains memorable in history, because peopl e had guts and total commitment to a cause to the extent that their lives were unimportant. Though I hold the firm belief that it was for a wrong cause, I do admire their commitment.  What a world we would have if all Christians were 100% committed and consecrated to God! Fearing no consequences whatsoever for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ; Having the boldness of  the Apostles, the Reformers, and other dedicated Christians who decided to stick to JESUS even at the expense of their lives-having joy in their soul as they were imprisoned, tortured and burnt at the stake. Their influences however continue to live on t

Does God Exist?

A friend of mine by name Twumasi Appiah Davis (TA Davis) wrote this post on Facebook and I would like to share it with you. He gives a different perspective to the debate; Does God exist?  Reading time is about 2 minutes. In Ghana this is a no brainer to many but there's more to planet earth than just my country. I shared my humble opinion in a debate and I'd li ke to share it here too: Two things: There is a story of a blind man who claimed being healed by the Bible Jesus. There was a dispute between the people and the priests whether the man Jesus was a true prophet. The man though apparently not being that much educated or sophisticated gave the profoundest answer. And I believe this answer is the ultimate solution to the God debate. Both the priests and the people presented evidence to support their sides. When all was said and the man was asked, He answered and said, whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was

Giving out of nothing – A model of showing kindness

A friend sent me this story on WhatsApp and I would like to share with you. He titled it; “ a lady’s remarkable experience at the Accra mall ”. But I have titled it; Giving out of nothing – a model of kindness ”.  The story; A young lady visited the Accra Shopping Mall. While standing at the entrance, she was suddenly approached by one of the Fulani girls from Mali who are always seen around town and the roadsides begging for money. The little girl smiled at the young lady and spoke pidgin saying “Aunty, make you give me money make I buy food chop – (meaning Aunty give me money to buy food)”. The young lady smiled back and replied, “I have also not eaten since morning”. The little girl asked her if it was really true and the lady said “Oh yes”. The little girl then gave all the coins she had in her hands to her to buy some food. The young lady was surprised so she asked the little girl if she could really use her money and she said yes. When the lady counted the money, i