A Herd of Swine?

They besought Him to leave their town
For the sake of a herd of swine.
His Word had driven demons out of two men,
And they besought Him to leave their town.

Was it because they feared His frown
On their evil and their idol shrine
Hidden inside, cherished as a friend
That they besought Him to leave their town?

What a privilege! Such a Man of Renown
Visiting them, lending His time.
The sick to heal, broken hearts to mend.
And they besought Him to leave their town!

Why choose swine when He promises a crown?
Why unclean when salvation is mine?
Why fear when for me He does fend?
Why beseech Him to leave my town?

I know not what holds your total surrender down.
I know not your herd of swine.
But to proclaim His salvation, you He does send.
Beseech Him not to leave your town.

What is your herd of swine?

(Based on Matthew 8:28-34)
Written by Akua Ameley


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