Diabetes situation in Ghana

Diabetes which is a disorder characterized by a persistent abnormal increase in blood glucose is killing many people in this world. According to the World Health Organization 422 million people in the world have diabetes. Out of this number 1.5 million of them die every year. This is very scary. Why should people continue to die from diabetes when the disease can be prevented.
The diabetes situation in Ghana is no different from the worldwide situation. The picture below throws more light on the Ghanaian situation. To stay away from diabetes;
  • Seek early treatment if you have been diagnosed of diabetes.
  • Continue taking your medications. Never miss a day without taking the drug.
  • If you have not been diagnosed of diabetes, all you need to do is to PREVENT it.
  • Exercise your body.
  • Control your weight because overweight and obesity can predispose you to getting diabetes.
  • Avoid eating late in the night.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Avoid eating late in the night.
  • Drink more water.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Reduce intake of high fat and calorie foods.
 Diabetes is preventable. 
You can postpone your funeral if you live a health conscious life.


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