
When I think of Communists, I think of 100%. When I think of Terrorists, I think of 100%. But when I think of most Christians, I sadly think of LESS THAN 100%.

 What is 100%, you may ask? It is 100% Total Surrender and Commitment to a cause, which in the Christian sense is God. September 11, 2001 is, and remains memorable in history, because people had guts and total commitment to a cause to the extent that their lives were unimportant. Though I hold the firm belief that it was for a wrong cause, I do admire their commitment.

 What a world we would have if all Christians were 100% committed and consecrated to God! Fearing no consequences whatsoever for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ; Having the boldness of  the Apostles, the Reformers, and other dedicated Christians who decided to stick to JESUS even at the expense of their lives-having joy in their soul as they were imprisoned, tortured and burnt at the stake. Their influences however continue to live on till this day. A powerful quote by John Wesley says ‘Give me one hundred men who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not whether they be clergymen or laymen, they alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of Heaven upon the earth’.

 Most of us want to be ‘neither here nor there’, so as to easily switch lanes when the going gets tough. We want what I call ‘Minimum Requirements for Heaven’. We do not desire a deeply connected relationship with God and an intense yearning for holiness, to resemble our professed Master, Jesus Christ. We want to know how far we can get to the cliff without falling. The sad point is, we don’t love God enough - we don’t even want to! We are professing Christians, not practicing Christians. The truth with Christianity is that you are either a Christian or you are not. Our affections are focused on the temporal things of this world. We are trading eternity of joy and bliss with the temporal things of the world which are passing away.

  • The world and its desires pass away but the man who does the will of the Lord lives forever 1 John 2:16.

  • Set your affection on things above, not on things of the world Col 3:2

 God offers the antidote to our “spiritual myopia”, which makes us magnify the temporal present in contrast to the permanent eternity. We need to pray for help to fully surrender to His will. To make Him first, last and best in our lives; to put away those weights and sins which so easily beset us (Heb 12:1).

 Jesus gave ALL for you and ALL He wants from you is your ALL
Is it too much to ask?

 Credit to Miss Adwoa Ameley who shared this post on Facebook on January 17, 2013


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