Preventing Sperm Leakage After Sexual Intercourse

Obviously one major cause of infertility today is Sperm Leak or Sperm Pour. Sperm leakage is a major cause of childlessness among many couples. Sperm leakage occurs when semen which contains sperms flow out of the vagina of a woman after sexual intercourse either while she is lying down or after some hours when she gets up. Many couple are facing this problem but they are not talking about them partly because our African culture frowns upon talking about sex publicly.

 I read an interesting piece on this topic and I have decided to share with you the main points.
  • Make sure the vaginal canal is clean of any artificial lubricants as these slow down sperm movement and also encourage leakage of sperm. Couples should discourage the use of artificial lubricants such as Creams to facilitate penetration. The men should rather play with their wives for them to get "wet", since a natural lubricant is released when the woman is wet.
  • Woman should urinate shortly before intercourse so that she can have time to relax after the show. She should not get up immediately after the sexual intercourse.
  • It is important that couples engage in foreplay so that the woman can reach orgasm especially when trying to be pregnant because the muscle spasm that goes along with orgasm can help pull the sperm into the uterus. Foreplay also helps the man to have a more exciting intercourse that promotes very powerful orgasm that will result in the production of a higher sperm count.
  • Be sure to get into positions that will permit the sperm to remain inside the vagina longer. The missionary style (the man lies on the woman) allows for deeper penetrations and allows sperm stay longer in the vagina. This position is highly advisable in such situations. If it is discovered that the woman has tilted cervix then a rear entry is ideal for the man.
  • Some of the leakages are due to gravity. Avoid positions that allows for the sperm to leak out such as the woman being or top or some other positions where it is likely  that sperm may leak out. The woman can place a pillow under her hips to elevate her pelvis. And should remain like that for at least 30 minutes. This will allow the sperm have a enough time to swim downwards into the cervix rather than leaking out
  • Time the thrust that will release the sperm and make sure that ejaculation occurs while the penis is deep inside. After ejaculation, the man should not stand up and remain till his member goes flaccid after which he can rise up.
  • Some of the leakage occurs because the man does not penetrate fully mostly because of the size of the penis (small or big). Since a lot cannot be done about the size, it is important for the couple to ensure that they get  well penetrated. The sexual intercourse should not be done in a haste. Both of you (man and woman) should relax and enjoy it.

 I am very convinced that these tips will go a long way to help many people who face these problems.


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