science explain our origin?
society places a great deal of faith and trust in Science than anything in the
world. A lot of attributes have been given to scientific research which gives
it an imperial status some people refer to science as the essence of our
existence. Some argue that life would have
no meaning without science. This among others has revered
scientific research such that any idea or experience that cannot be
scientifically proven should not be considered as a fact. There is no doubt that science and
technology have given us many conveniences that seem, at least in a shallow
sense, to have vastly improved the quality of human existence. But, is that
enough to suggest that Science is everything? Is the importance placed on
Science by our society warranted? More importantly, does Science and scientific
research give a better explanation for the meaning of life than religion? To
add context to these questions, it is useful to examine the statements and
writings of those who hold a preeminent positions in the scientific arena?
The question I am asking is this; can we trust science
to explain everything including the origin of man?
outside on a clear night and look up. How far can you see? How much can you
see? Have you ever seen the Milky Way? There are many things that we as humans
cannot see and explain. We used to think that the earth was the centre of the
universe, and that the sun and all the stars rotated around it. But as soon as
the telescope was invented, we discovered we were wrong. Each time we’ve
invented a stronger telescope, we’ve learned that the universe is bigger than
we thought. We’ve discovered a universe so big that not just our little planet,
or our weak sun, but our entire Milky Way galaxy is just a blip, barely worth
noticing. The wonders of the universe are beyond imaginations! Could all these
have come into existence accidentally?
a closer look at our planet earth. Take a look at the mountains, trees, birds,
animals, rivers, lakes and the sea, and ask yourself this question, could these
have happen by chance? The earth we are told is the only planet that supports
life. The survival of life on our planet depends on the interaction between the
earth, its atmosphere, the sun and the distance between the earth and the sun.
If one of these factors were to change dramatically, life on our world could
easily become extinct. We live in a well-designed world, with exactly the right
conditions for life. We are surrounded with living creatures with amazing
abilities and interdependent relationships. These creatures exhibit an
astounding diversity of shapes, colours, behaviours and habitats. All these
things suggest that there must have been a Creator who intended for the world
to be an interesting and beautiful place.
20th day of July 1969, the first humans stood on the surface of the
moon. The success of this project among others has been a spectacular
accomplishment by humans. This goes on to show the uniqueness of humans. No other
species can even think and do something as this. Although humans cannot fly
like birds, we fly from one destination to the other with the help of the aeroplane
which we invented ourselves. Humans think up ideas, create plans, prepare ahead
of time for problems, and carry their plans forward to completion. The ability
to plan, think and accomplish new things-things that have never been done
before – is uniquely peculiar to humans. Another unique quality of man is the
combination of self-consciousness and free will. As humans we are able to
organise ourselves as individuals and to make decisions regarding how we will
behave. This combination makes us responsible for our decisions and also gives
us a sense of morality. Religion is another thing that is peculiar to humans. No
other species could possibly have religious habits because they lack what is
needed for morality-free will and self-consciousness.
all these unique qualities, evolutionists (science) will ask why humans seem similar
to other mammals like the apes, monkeys and chimpanzees. They argue that humans
and these mammals have similar internal organs, arms, legs and even have
similar way of reproducing. Evolution theory suggests that humans are simply
advanced apes that have developed superior brains. Our language and speech, our
self-consciousness and our mechanical abilities are seen as simply improvements
in things other species do. Many evolutionists would argue that humans don’t really
have free will and the morality that comes with it, even though, it seems we do
are a number of problems with this view. One of the most troubling problems is
that, evolution argues that all these things happen just for human survival. They
don’t explain why humans possess these qualities beyond the need for survival. For
example; why should humans appreciate art, music and beauty? What evolutionary
advantage is gained by the ability to paint a picture or compose music? There are
many similar qualities that human exhibit which they don’t need for survival. This
flaws the argument that human develop these qualities for survival. Science does
not have answers to the question of the origin of man.
if humans were created by a Creator whose power is beyond our understanding?
Could that explain why we have these qualities and skills? The creation story
explains that, God formed man from the dust of the ground
and breathe in to his nostrils and man became a living being. God created male
and female in his own image. If humans were created in the image of God then it makes sense that we
would have abilities that other animals do not have. The ability of humans to
form relationships with others may be a reflection of one part of the image of
God. If God created our world, then He must also be a lover of beauty. Humans who
were created in the image of God have also created colourful paintings,
dramatic sculptures, magnificent buildings and bridges, and many kinds of
music. These things faintly imitate the beauty of sunset and flowers, in the
natural landscapes and in the sound of birds and other creatures. Since God
created humans, then that explains why we have abilities to think creatively,
to plan ahead and appreciate beauty. It may explain why humans have
self-consciousness and free will. It also explains why we speak and understand
In conclusion, humans are unique! And the
Bible’s Creation story could explain why. It has an answer for why humans have
abilities beyond the need for survival. And it tells what might be the purpose
of these abilities. I strongly hold the
view that, science and scientific research do not have an answer to the origin
of man. We cannot trust science to give us an answer concerning our origin. I strongly
agree with the Creation story as presented in the Bible as only credible source
of information concerning the origin of man. Science and for that matter
evolution theory cannot be trusted to explain the origin of humans.
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