
Showing posts from August, 2015

Can science be trusted?

Can science explain our origin? Our society places a great deal of faith and trust in Science than anything in the world. A lot of attributes have been given to scientific research which gives it an imperial status some people refer to science as the essence of our existence . Some argue that life would have no meaning without science . This among others has revered scientific research such that any idea or experience that cannot be scientifically proven should not be considered as a fact. There is n o doubt that science and technology have given us many conveniences that seem, at least in a shallow sense, to have vastly improved the quality of human existence. But, is that enough to suggest that Science is everything ? Is the importance placed on Science by our society warranted? More importantly, does Science and scientific research give a better explanation for the meaning of life than religion? To add context to these questions, it is useful to examine the statements and w

12 tips to better sleep

Getting better sleep An adult needs about seven (7) hours sleep in the night everyday. For maximum effectiveness the next day, you need to sleep two (2) or more hours before midnight. But many people complain of inability to sleep in the night. Below are twelve (12) tips to hep you better sleep: Establish a regular bedtime and a relaxing bedtime routine—examples might include taking a warm bath or listening to soothing music. Use your bed only for sleeping or lovemaking. Avoid reading and watching television in bed. If you can’t fall asleep after 15 to 20 minutes, get out of bed and go into another room. Do something relaxing, such as reading quietly with a dim light. Don’t watch television or use a computer, since the light from their screens has an arousing effect. When you feel sleepy, get back into bed. Don’t delay your scheduled wake-up time to make up for lost sleep. Get plenty of exercise. Build up to 45 minutes of moderate exercise nearly every day. Get your


In this era of rains, it has become necessary that I write on cholera. A lot of cholera cases are recorded every year during the rainy seasons due to many reasons. It is also a fact that the true sanitation status of a town or city in Ghana is seen after the rains have poured. This is because the rains brings to our areas and homes all sort of waste such as polythene bags, faeces in bags, refuse from houses etc. Last year (2014) we recorded over 20, 000 cases of cholera in Ghana. It is therefore better for us to know what cholera is, and how to prevent it. Our elders say “the one who has been bitten by a snake is ears the worm"