
Cashew is the seed of the cashew fruit and it is one of the most highly prized nuts in the world. It is an oil bearing nut with a sweet, pleasant taste and rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

 It is noted for its magnesium content, one of the highest in the vegetable kingdom. Meat, milk and eggs are poor in magnesium. Magnesium is involved in a variety of metabolic functions, but particularly the transmission of nerve impulses. Lack of magnesium produces nervousness, irritability, cramps and spasms. Since cashew is rich in magnesium as well as vitamin B1 and B2, it is recommended in case of nervousness, irritability, depression, weakness, abnormal tiredness and spasms in hollow internal organs leading to irritable bowel, dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation) or angina pectoris (chest pains). 
Research shows that eating more nuts such as cashew can boost your immune system and lower your risk for cardiovascular diseases by reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  Cashew has been found to protect the eyes from damage that lead to blindness in old age and decrease the risk for cataract. 

You can eat cashew in its raw state, roasted or blended to make milk.

Written by James Mckeown Amoah


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