
Showing posts from 2020


The issue of the sabbath has become a topic for national discussion in Ghana after the West African Examination Council (WAEC) released the time table for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for 2020. Unlike the years past, WAEC for the first time scheduled some of the WASSCE papers on Saturdays. This action by WAEC has resurrected the old age debate of the sabbath in homes, churches, schools, social media, main stream media etc. Whilst sabbath keepers are very worried and vocal about this action, a lot more people are indifferent. They don’t seem to understand why there should be a controversy over a day when all the days are same ie. 24 hours. This article seeks to answer the questions below from a Biblical perspective. All references will be solely from the Bible (Both old and New Testaments)      1. Are all the days of the week the same?      2. What makes one day (sabbath) different from all the other days of the week? Sabbath – Origin The origi


Cherimoya is the fruit of the cherimoya tree which is heart shaped and can weigh from 100g to 1kg. It is covered with a green skin with scale-like design that looks like a reptile. The pulp contains numerous black seeds that are easily removed. Cherimoya is noted for its high sugar and energy contents. It is also rich in vitamins (B1, B2 and B6) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium). However, it is low in protein and fat.  Cherimoya is recommended for all ages particularly for adolescents. Athletes and students will also gain energy together with vitamins and minerals appropriate to their activities when they eat it. It is therapeutic for people with heart failure, obesity and stomach pains (Gastritis and Gastroduodenal Ulcers).  You can eat cherimoya raw or combine it with other fruits like orange. Written by James Mckeown Amoah


Cashew is the seed of the cashew fruit and it is one of the most highly prized nuts in the world. It is an oil bearing nut with a sweet, pleasant taste and rich in unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.  It is noted for its magnesium content, one of the highest in the vegetable kingdom. Meat, milk and eggs are poor in magnesium. Magnesium is involved in a variety of metabolic functions, but particularly the transmission of nerve impulses. Lack of magnesium produces nervousness, irritability, cramps and spasms. Since cashew is rich in magnesium as well as vitamin B1 and B2, it is recommended in case of nervousness, irritability, depression, weakness, abnormal tiredness and spasms in hollow internal organs leading to irritable bowel, dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation) or angina pectoris (chest pains).  Research shows that eating more nuts such as cashew can boost your immune system and lower your risk for cardiovascular diseases by reducing blood pressure and chole


When it comes to food, human beings can eat just about anything from mammary gland secretions (milk) to mineral crystals (common salt), including fruits, flowers, seeds, leaves, roots, seaweed, fungus, eggs, fish and bird or the dead bodies of various animals. All these things put together provide thousands of different recipes and foods. With this background, there are two (2) critical questions that must be answered in the selection of food. Does the fact that we can eat these variety of foods mean that all of them are equally fit for human consumption ? Is there an ideal diet for humans such that in addition to it being nourishing, maintains health and prevent disease? Always keep in mind that our health depends on the food we eat. Written by James Mckeown Amoah