The issue of death continues to be a mystery to many. Many people throughout world history have tried to explain this mystery but none has been able to answer all the questions associated with it. Science has not been able to explain, neither has philosophy been able to tell exactly what happens to a person when he dies. The only book that contains all the answers related to death is the Holy Bible. The purpose of this message is to bring our minds back to the word of God and to reiterate the clear position of the Bible concerning the state of the dead. In Ghana and like other countries, the issue of death becomes a topic for discussion anytime a popular person dies. In such situations, we often hear lay people and even prominent Pastors make statements about the dead which are not Biblical. These statements go contrary to the explicit position of the Bible (The inspired word of God). The death of Ebony (a Ghanaian dance hall musician) who died in a motor accid...
Introduction According to research, oral sex is commonly practiced today than many years ago. Like homosexuality oral sex was once considered to be a taboo but today, most sexually active people engage in it. Oral sex is practiced in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships but very common in homosexual relationships. 1" In 2013 the National Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyle (NATSAL, USA) survey announced that in all age groups (except the over-65s), the majority of people now say that they have oral sex sometimes. For instance, 71% of young adults (age 16 to 24) reported that they'd had oral sex in the last year. And 80% of 25 to 34 year old people said the same thing". The purpose of this article is to present oral sex from a medical and biblical perspective. This article comprises of my personal thoughts and research of others which I have duly referenced. Definition 2" By definition, oral sex is when someone puts his or her lips, m...
One Saturday after church a friend said to me, "is it good to have high levels of good cholesterol? If it is good as you - medical people say, why should there be a limit?". Like my good friend, there may be other people who are yearning for answers to these questions and more. However, cholesterol is one of the most misunderstood topics in health. In this reflection series, I will talk about cholesterol; where we get it from, how good or how bad it is, how to keep it under control and possibly how to prevent complications that come with it. Cholesterol; what is it? Cholesterol is a waxy type of fat which is found in the blood and moves throughout the body. Since fats do not dissolve in water, cholesterol does not dissolve in the blood which is water-based, and for that matter it floats in the blood as it moves in the blood vessels. This explains why it can be found everywhere in the body. Cholesterol; where do we get it from? It is important to know that the body produces ...
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