I have had many of my friends ask me this question; WHY DO I HAVE STRETCH MARKS?  I believe there are many others like my friends who want to know why they have stretch marks and what to do about it. A friend asked me to write this article and it is intended for those who have stretch marks, those whose relations have stretch marks and those who want to know more about them and how to deal with them.

What is stretch mark?

Stretch marks are linear strips or lines that appear on the skin that has been overstretched. They normally run perpendicular to maximum lines of tension in the skin. They begin as flat red lines, and over time they may appear as slightly depressed white streaks. Stretch marks usually occur near the armpits, on the chest, breasts, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and groins. Their appearance is similar to changes seen in the surface of rubber balloons that have been overinflated. Striae Distensae is the medical name for stretch marks. It is generally painless or harmless but some people feel bad about the way their skin looks. It is very common among women and people who are overweight and obese.

What causes Stretch marks?

Stretch marks occur as a result of the sudden stretching of the skin. When the skin stretches, the middle layer of the skin called dermis, breaks allowing the deeper layers to show through. It is important to note that anyone can develop stretch marks, but some factors that increase your likelihood of getting them include:

  • Being female
  • Having a personal or family history of stretch marks
  • Being pregnant, especially for younger women
  • Hormonal changes during puberty
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Excessive physical stretching of the muscles such body/muscle building
  • Rapidly gaining or losing weight
  • Use of certain medications, including lotions, pills, Corticosteroid creams, and steroids
  • Undergoing breast and buttocks enlargement surgery
  • Light coloured individuals
  • Having history of delivering large babies or twins
  • Heredity
  • Certain diseases like Cushing's syndrome, Marfan syndrome and certain other genetic disorders.

Not all stretch marks look alike but they vary depending on how long you have had them, what caused them, where they are found on your body, and the type of skin you have. The severity of the marks is affected by several factors such as genes, degree of stress on the skin and cortisone level. 

How does it appear?

The stretch marks usually appear on body parts where large amount of fat is deposited. The following are some of the indicators that enable us to recognize the development of stretch marks.

  • The skin becomes pink, flattened and thin. This occurs before the development of the stretch marks. 
  •  There is the development of red, pink, or purple lines on the skin.
  • The affected area becomes soft to touch. 
  •  At the initial phase, these lines appear wrinkly and somewhat raised. 
  •  With the passage of time, these lines convert into silver or white in colour. 
  •  They may also appear in patches of parallel lines. 
  •  They can appear as scar later.

Can it be treated?

There are a wide variety of treatments for stretch marks on the markets, but none of them seem to be particularly dear in preventing or treating this condition. These treatments include creams, gels, lotions, laser surgery and cosmetic surgery. To a large extent, there is generally no good medical evidence to the effect that these treatments will produce any sustainable improvement in the appearance of stretch marks.

In case there is itching around the stretch marks, moisturizing your skin may help to relieve the itchiness that comes with stretch marks. Also applying self-tanning lotion to your stretch marks is a temporary way to minimize the difference in colour between your normal skin and your stretch marks.

Home remedies
 If you have stretch marks on your skin now, there are some home remedies that can help to reduce its effects on the skin. It is important to note that these remedies may not remove the marks entirely and so they should not be seen as the treatment for stretch marks.

  •  Castor oil: Castor oil which is used in the treatment of a number of skin problems such as wrinkles, age spots, moles, dark spots, fine lines and pimples, can also be used to get rid of stretch marks. Apply the castor oil to the stretch marks and gently massage the area in a circular motion for 5 to 10 minutes. Wrap the area with a thin, cotton cloth. Using a hot water bottle or a heating pad, apply some heat to the affected area for at least a half an hour. Repeat this process daily for a minimum of one month to notice positive results.

  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is effective in the treatment of many skin problems. Its healing and soothing properties can be used to get rid of stretch marks. You can directly rub aloe vera gel on the affected skin area, leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse the skin with lukewarm water. Another option is to make a mixture with one-fourth cup of aloe vera gel, oil from ten (10) vitamin E capsules and oil from five (5) vitamin A capsules. Rub this mixture onto the skin until fully absorbed. Repeat this process daily.

  • Egg white: Eggs are a rich source of protein. For stretch marks, you can use egg white to treat it since it contains amino acids and proteins. Whip the whites of two eggs gently with a fork on the stretch marks. Clean the affected skin area with water and then apply a thick layer of egg whites with a makeup brush. Allow the egg whites to dry completely and then rinse the area with cold water. Finally apply some olive oil on the skin to keep it moisturized. Repeat the process daily for at least two weeks and watch for positive results.
  • Lemon juice: Another simple way to lessen stretch marks is to use lemon juice. Lemon juice is naturally acidic which helps heal and reduce stretch marks, acne, and other scars. Rub fresh lemon juice gently onto the stretch marks using circular motions. Allow the lemon juice to soak into your skin for at least 10 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Another option is to mix equal quantities of cucumber juice and lemon juice and apply the mixture on the stretch marks.
  • Sugar: Natural white sugar is one of the best natural remedies to get rid of stretch marks. Mix a tablespoon of raw sugar with some almond oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix it well and apply it on the stretch marks and other skin areas. Gently rub the mixture on the skin for a few minutes every day before taking a shower. Do this for a month or so and watch your stretch marks become lighter.

  •  Cocoa butter: Cocoa butter is also very beneficial in treating stretch marks. Since it is an excellent natural moisturizer, it helps nourish your skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. You must apply cocoa butter over the affected area at least two times a day for a few months.

  • Olive oil: Olive oil contains a lot of nutrients and antioxidants that help improve various skin problems including stretch marks. Massage the affected area with slightly warm extra-virgin olive oil. This will improve the blood circulation and reduce the stretch marks to a great extent. Leave it for half an hour on the skin so that the vitamins A, D and E which is present in the oil are absorbed by the skin. You can also mix olive oil with vinegar and water and use it as a night cream. This will keep your skin moisturized.

  • Water: Keeping your body well hydrated helps to protect the skin from many kinds of problems and also aids in detoxification. Water also keep the skin supple and restores elasticity. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day is the best way to keep the body hydrated. It will also make your skin soft and help maintain its elasticity. It is advisable to avoid coffee, tea or soda though. 

These natural remedies can help stretch marks to fade, but they may not completely remove them. 

Is it possible to prevent stretch marks?

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent stretch marks. There is not a cream, lotion, or balm that can prevent it. Although there is no way to prevent stretch marks, it is always a good idea to keep your skin hydrated with a rich lotion or cream which will make your skin feel better, look smoother, more toned, and help prevent itchiness that usually comes with stretching of the skin.

It is equally important to maintain a healthy weight since keeping your weight in a healthy range by eating well and exercising regularly can help to prevent stretch marks caused by sudden weight gain or loss.

The writer is James Mckeown Amoah. 
Email: jmamoah83@gmail.com


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