I was taken amazed when I read a news item on Ghanaweb ( that reads “There is nothing wrong with oral sex – Heward Mills”. For those who may not know, Bishop Dag Heward Mills is the founder and leader of Lighthouse Chapel International.
Oral sex or oral sexual intercourse is a sexual activity involving the stimulation of the genitalia of a person by another person using the mouth (including the lips, tongue or teeth) or throat. When oral sex is performed on a male it is called Fellatio while Cunnilingus is oral sex performed on a female. Anilingus is another form of oral sex. It is oral stimulation of a person's anus. Oral stimulation of other parts of the body (as in kissing and licking) is usually not considered oral sex.
This is exactly how Ghanaweb reported it:
Outspoken Presiding Bishop of Lighthouse Chapel International, Dag Heward- Mills says there is nothing wrong with oral sex. According to him, there is no law which debars men from kissing any part of their partners’ body. “I don’t think there is anything wrong with oral sex because there is no red flag on any part of the body. Which law [states] that this place is not good; you can kiss here, but you cannot lick here because kissing is licking” he stressed.
Bishop Heward-Mills, who was addressing church members, could not fathom why couples restrict areas they touch during foreplay when in fact other places can also contribute to making the sex more enjoyable
. “Why can’t you not kiss your wives vulva and why can’t your wife also kiss your penis? why can’t she hold it? It’s nice” he stressed.
The Lighthouse Presiding Bishop blamed the bad sexual lifestyle especially among Christians on religious restrictions. “All these religious restrictions even prevent you from having the variations that you need to have exciting sex” he added.
He indicated that oral sex among other advantages keep the clitoris stimulated and prevents the clitoris from bruises. “One of the advantages of oral sex is that the clitoris needs to be stimulated, and the tongue can do a good job because sometimes the finger stimulates the clitoris so hard it becomes sore” he stated. Bishop Heward-Mills said oral sex is a “holy and good thing” but cautioned couples to be wary of its disadvantages.
I strongly disagree with Bishop on this issue. It is true that the laws of this country (Ghana) like many other countries do not forbid the practice of oral sex. But oral sex is ungodly, unnatural and unhealthy. It is not something human beings should even think of and practice. I am writing this article because I believe many people may practice oral sex because the “man of God” has Okayed it.
First of all, oral is unhealthy. A person who practices oral sex is prone to many diseases.
1.      A person who practices oral sex is at risk of HIV/AIDS. This is because the virus can pass from the genitals of one partner to the other. Both fellatio and cunnilingus have been known to spread the disease. Ulcers/sores in the mouth could increase the risk of getting the disease easily. You can see from the above that there is always some risk of transmitting HIV during oral sex, whatever precautions you take. However, you obviously cannot get infected if your partner does not have the virus.
2.      People who practice oral sex are at risk of sexually transmitted diseases such as Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, and Chlamydia. Gonorrhoea can be transmitted to the throat during oral sex, especially with the fellatios. The lesions of syphilis on the other hand usually appear on the genitals or the anus and very rarely on the nipple. But they do occasionally appear on the lips, as a result of oral sex.
3.      Oral sex puts a person at risk of Hepatitis A, B and C. The hepatitis virus passes through the sexual organ to the mouth of the person who licks it. Hepatitis is one of the dangerous diseases that is killing many people today.
4.      People who practise oral sex are at risk of gingivitis (inflammation of the gum). Oral sex has been associated with oral sores in some populations, and can cause ulceration in the oral cavity. It may also spread infection from the mouth to the genital tract or vice versa, altering oral and genital microflora.
5.      Oral sex is linked to throat cancer. You can get throat cancer from oral sex, says American Cancer Society Chief Medical Officer Otis Brawley, MD. Researchers have found that some cancers of the oropharynx (the middle of the throat) and tonsils are probably caused by a certain type of human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus can be passed from one person to the other during sex which includes oral sex.
Oral sex is ungodly and unnatural. It is a fact that oral sex is not mentioned in the Bible; we can take inspiration from other bible verses. Throughout the bible sexual practices that are “contrary to nature” are forbidden. Romans 1:26-27 says that; 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error (NIV). 
The Bible clearly states that our bodies are not our own, and that we are to glorify God with our bodies (see 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, 10:31). Our bodies are the temple of God and so our sexual conduct in marriage should glorify God. Anything that does not bring glory but shame to God and to us (humans) should not be encouraged.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that oral sex is not good. I think that every organ in our bodies has a specific function. I don’t believe the mouth apart from eating and drinking was made for sex. The mouth is not a sex organ and so it will be wrong to use it for the wrong purpose. I will advise everyone to stick to the natural way of having sex. Oral sex should not be encouraged.


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