
Showing posts from November, 2015

THE SICK PRISONER – An urgent call !!!

Throughout the world, prisons are built to correct people who engage in activities that violate the laws of the country. Prisons are supposed to be correctional centres but in our part of the world, the prisons have become dead traps and cemeteries. People are sent there and they are forgotten. Their loved ones abandon them and even when they are released, they are stigmatise, denied respect, honour, job, and even dignity. In Ghana, Nsawam Medium Security Prison is one of the forty-five (45) prison establishments under the Ghana Prison Service. It is the biggest medium security prison facility in Ghana. It is located at Nsawam the capital of Nsawam Adoagyiri Municipal Assembly, a district in the Eastern Region of Ghana. It currently has male and female separate prisons. It was initially built for a maximum capacity of eight hundred and fifty-one (851) inmates but currently it houses more than five thousand (5000) inmates (an over 587% increase).  This massive incre

BAD BREATH – how to deal with it.

Introduction I went to the Registrar General’s Office in Accra the capital of Ghana to register my business name in October 2015. A neatly dressed gentleman approached me to ask a question. Immediately he opened his mouth to speak, I stopped breathing, took some steps backward and turned my face to a different direction. I could not stand the bad odour from his mouth. He is not the only person I believe who has this medical problem. Many people are discriminated, ignored and even sacked from their work place because of their bad breath. Bad breath does not only affect the sufferer, but also those around them. Some go through their daily life completely unaware of this problem, unless they are told directly by people in their social circles. This is a source of discomfort and can be very embarrassing. Bad breath – What is it? Bad breath, medically called Halitosis is an unpleasant odour of the mouth. It can occur on occasion, or it can be a chronic condition. There

REVELATION; the Bride, Beast, and Babylon

He only taught for three and half years, yet in one generation what He said transformed the world. Now in two thousand (2000) years later, His followers number in the billions and cover the earth. Yet the practice of Christianity today scarcely resembles the early teachings of Jesus. Prophecy foretold this would happen. God revealed this to John on the Island of Patmos. Please follow the link below and watch this exciting documentary put together by Doug Bachelor and his media ministry (Amazing facts). God bless you


We face obstacles in every facet of our life. These obstacles at times can seem to be bigger than we can overcome. I want to encourage you to have hope and persevere.When you keep the eye single on the dream, all your problems and obstacles would refuse to exist. Remember also that with God all things are possible  I read this beautiful article written by kojo Yankson from myjoyonline. I would employ you to read this article. . My father wrote his common Entrance in Apam. It was June 1963, and my dad… well, he had a mission. His own illiterate father had told him to "sua adze ko dur adzesua n’ewiei” (learn until the end of learning), and so there was no way he was going to let the Common Entrance exam be the hurdle at which he fell. Not when he was planning to run the full marathon of academic excellence. So he studied and studied every day until the sun went do


I was taken amazed when I read a news item on Ghanaweb ( ) that reads “ There is nothing wrong with oral sex – Heward Mills” . For those who may not know, Bishop Dag Heward Mills is the founder and leader of Lighthouse Chapel International. Oral sex or oral sexual intercourse is a sexual activity involving the stimulation of the genitalia of a person by another person using the mouth (including the lips, tongue or teeth) or throat. When oral sex is performed on a male it is called Fellatio while Cunnilingus is oral sex performed on a female. Anilingus is another form of oral sex. It is oral stimulation of a person's anus. Oral stimulation of other parts of the body (as in kissing and licking) is usually not considered oral sex. This is exactly how Ghanaweb reported it: Outspoken Presiding Bishop of Lighthouse Chapel International, Dag Heward- Mills says there is n