
Showing posts from August, 2020


The issue of the sabbath has become a topic for national discussion in Ghana after the West African Examination Council (WAEC) released the time table for the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for 2020. Unlike the years past, WAEC for the first time scheduled some of the WASSCE papers on Saturdays. This action by WAEC has resurrected the old age debate of the sabbath in homes, churches, schools, social media, main stream media etc. Whilst sabbath keepers are very worried and vocal about this action, a lot more people are indifferent. They don’t seem to understand why there should be a controversy over a day when all the days are same ie. 24 hours. This article seeks to answer the questions below from a Biblical perspective. All references will be solely from the Bible (Both old and New Testaments)      1. Are all the days of the week the same?      2. What makes one day (sabbath) different from all the other days of the week? Sabbath – Origin The origi