
Showing posts from September, 2017

Abuse of tramadol can cause death - Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana

Mr. Benjamin K. Botwe; President of The Pharmaceutical society of Ghana . The Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana has cautioned the public against the proliferation and abuse of Tramadol, an opioid analgesic. "The most recent form, as being speculated in the media and as our findings have shown, is the high dose of Tramadol (200mg/250mg), popularly called Tramol, among the youth. "Even though Tramadol is an approved medicine for the management of pain, the strengths approved for use in Ghana by the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA)) are the 50mg and 100mg strengths," a statement signed by Mr Benjamin K. Botwe, the President of the Society and issued in Accra, said. It said the proliferation of the higher strengths had become popular and called for coordinated efforts by all stakeholders to rid the markets of the unregistered and unapproved product, which had the tendency to threaten the gains made in the provision of healthcare in the count

ORAL SEX - A Medical and Biblical Perspective

Introduction According to research, oral sex is commonly practiced today than many years ago. Like homosexuality oral sex was once considered to be a taboo but today, most sexually active people engage in it. Oral sex is practiced in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships but very common in homosexual relationships.   1" In   2013 the National Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyle (NATSAL, USA) survey announced that in all age groups (except the over-65s), the majority of people now say that they have oral sex sometimes. For instance, 71% of young adults (age 16 to 24) reported that they'd had oral sex in the last year. And 80% of 25 to 34 year old people said the same thing".  The purpose of this article is to present oral sex from a medical and biblical perspective. This article comprises of my personal thoughts and research of others which I have duly referenced. Definition 2" By definition, oral sex is when someone puts  his or her lips, mouth