
Showing posts from June, 2017

DEAD OR ALIVE: A Biblical Perspective on the state of the dead

Written by: James Mckeown Amoah Introduction The issue of death continues to be a mystery to many people. Many people throughout world history have tried to explain this mystery but none has been able to answer all the questions associated with it. Science has not been able to explain, neither has philosophy been able to tell exactly what happens to a person when he dies.  The Bible is the only book that contains all the answers to this question which has troubled the hearts of men and women throughout the ages. It is the only book that has the authority to answer all the questions and explain this mystery called death. The purpose of this message is to bring our minds back to the word of God and to reiterate the clear position of the Bible concerning the state of the dead. To start with, we need to find an answer to one basic but great question. A correct answer to this question will make it easier to answer all the other questions that may come up. The question is this;