
Showing posts from October, 2016

I have 2 periods in a month, WHY?

All females go through their menstrual cycle from puberty to menopause. Generally, women only experience one menstrual period a month, usually lasting between 3 and 7 days. If you have ever experienced two periods in one month, then you need to read this. It will be of immense help to you.  Causes of Having Two Periods in One Month Some of the possible explanations for having 2 periods in one month may include: 1. A Natural and Regular Menstrual Cycle A natural menstrual cycle can last anywhere between 21 to 25 days. This means that a woman can have her period every 3 weeks, meaning she would consistently experience two periods in one month, one at the beginning of a month and one at the end of it. This is entirely natural and requires no medical attention. 2. Puberty Two periods in one month is entirely normal for girls who are going through, or who have recently gone through puberty. It can take many months and even years for teenage girls' cycles to be

Love yourself.

Do you hate yourself? Do you hate the way you look? Kindly watch this documentary and you will thank God  the more. Jono Lancaster’s life story is enough to make the average person say I thought I had problems, but mine are nothing compared to this mans. Jono suffers with a rare condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome. The syndrome effects the person’s appearance, facial bones and tissue, sight, breathing and hearing. Jono was only 36 hours old, a new born infant, when he experienced the most heart breaking ultimate rejection, that of his parents abandoning him. During his life he has also been bullied, felt isolated, and has endured being stigmatized because of his appearance.