
Showing posts from January, 2016

Biases in medical research

I listen to an interview by Dr Ray Moynihan who is a Senior Research Fellow at Bond University in Australia. He talked about how many pharmaceutical companies are funding researched to favour their products. He says that at times, the side effects are played down to make the drugs look attractive to the patients who buy them. This notwithstanding, drugs save life. Watch the video below to hear for yourself what Dr. Ray said. The transcript is found below: Ray Moynihan : “If there’s one simple thing that people can do to protect themselves against unnecessary tests and diagnoses and treatments, it’s to be a healthy sceptic - to ask more questions, to interrogate your health professionals, to try to seek out evidence that is not tainted by vested interests and to really question as much as possible: “Do I really need that test? Do I really need that diagnosis? Do I really need that treatment or intervention?” And gather the evidence and discuss it with your loved

Zika Virus - the mosquito factor.

I saw this article on myjoyonline and I have decided to share it with you. Zika virus is a disease which is currently found in the Caribbeans and North and South America.  It is transmitted when a person is bitten by an affected mosquito. It can cause microcephaly (Small head) in babies. There is currently no cure as well as vaccine to protect a child from the disease. It is very serious. Please find time to read this article.