
Showing posts from September, 2015


What do you breathe in?  To begin with, let me share this story with you. “The year was 1875 and the place was Paris the capital of France. For more than two years, three scientists had worked toward this day, and now they were ready. Carefully, they climbed into the gondola of the balloon, “Zenith,” while thousands around them watched.   Determined to set a new altitude record, they wanted to go higher than man had ever risen above the earth. And they did just that, but at what a cost?   Slowly the large balloon rose into the air, with its human cargo of three men in a basket-shaped gondola swinging just beneath it. All seemed well as they were well on their way toward the goal of climbing higher than any man had ever gone. Then at 24,430 feet something happened. Tissandier, one of the three, later described it: “Croce is gasping for breath, Sivel is dazed, but can still cut three sandbags loose in order to reach 26,240 feet.” At that point, Tissandier himself wa

What time is it?

Time is defined in the English dictionary as the inevitable progression into the future with the passing of present events into the past . An important characteristic of time is that it is unavoidable, inescapable, and unpreventable. Time they say does not wait for any man. Whether you eat, drink, work or sleep, time keeps on going unstoppable. Even if you die, time will not come to a stop but will rather keep on moving. This fact should guide us in the way we use out time. Time is indeed precious but time lost can never be regained. What time is it? What comes to mind when you hear the question, “what time is it? Have you ever taken time to analyze this question? In this article, I want to answer this question from the point of view of earth history. What time of earth history do we find ourselves? Where is this planet earth heading towards? We are living in a borrowed time in earth history. This world is coming to an end. Everything points to the fact that this earth is n